BA RIA VUNG TAU Wednesday, 18/09/2024 Notices BA RIA - VUNG TAU PROVINCE POLICE: PROACTIVE, SET AN EXAMPLE, RESPONSIBLE, EFFICIENT | Install the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police website on the CHPlay app store or App Store with the search keyword "Ba Ria - Vung Tau Police".

Development history

Implement the Directive of the Ministry of Public Security on enhancing the application and development of information technology to serve the work of ensuring security and order in the new situation; Directive on the task of developing science and technology in the People's Public Security force; Program to apply Information Technology in the People's Public Security force for the period 2008-2010, aiming to apply Information Technology closely to the reality of protecting security and order and building the People's Public Security force, proactively meeting the requirements Police work in the period of industrialization and modernization of the country, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial Police built an electronic information page first of all to promptly update information in the field of security and order to serve the public. The tasks of protecting political security, social order and safety of the Provincial Police force.

The Provincial Police website launched to readers also aims to promote the movement of learning to implement the 6 things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security and the campaigns "Study and follow Ho Chi Minh's moral example", "The People's Public Security for the country" Forget yourself, serve the people" is being widely deployed in the People's Public Security force, in all levels, sectors and the whole society. By promptly providing information in the field of security and order related to all aspects of social life so that "people know, people discuss, people do, people check", fulfilling the task of protecting security. Security and order become the task of the entire people, while also creating a basis for receiving active coordination from all levels, branches and the masses in implementing the goal of maintaining political security and order. social safety, building a clean and strong People's Public Security force, worthy of being a Police force "of the people, for the people and by the people" as Uncle Ho taught.

With the above criteria, the Provincial Police website focuses on reflecting the following contents:

To serve all sectors, levels, forces, unions, social organizations and the masses, promptly grasp, organize and strictly comply with the Party's guidelines and legal policies. of the state on security and order, the Provincial Police website focuses on propagating guidelines, guidelines, and legal policies of the Party and State; Timely update legal documents (laws, ordinances, decrees, circulars) related to security and order and instructions on handling administrative violations.

The Provincial Police website also updates security and order incidents occurring in the province, and news about traffic safety; Outstanding domestic news related to security and order has been reported on the mass media, focusing on reflecting incidents that need to be made public to propagate and raise people's awareness. The news page also reflects information and activities of ward and commune police, street protection boards, civil defense, and grassroots mass organizations in the movement of all people protecting national security; Examples of good people and good deeds among the people are related to the work of ensuring security and order in the area.

The website focuses on reporting general activities of the Provincial Police, including propaganda and mobilization of the people in the movement of all people to protect national security; Coordination with sectors, agencies and businesses to implement joint resolutions and coordination regulations; results of the work of protecting security and order, preventing and fighting against all types of crime; cultural, arts and sports activities; emulation and gratitude movements; traditional day celebration activities; A typical example of advancement in the movement "For national security"... of the Provincial Police forces.

In order to serve administrative reform in the field of security and order, provide public administrative services, and gradually apply them effectively in all aspects of work... the Provincial Police website is promptly updated and publicized. Publicize the processes, procedures, time, fees and settlement results of the Provincial Police force in the field of Administrative Management of Social Order including: Household registration, population management residence; issuance of ID cards; issue a certificate of satisfaction of security and order conditions for conditional business lines; issue seal engraving licenses and seal management; issue certificates of eligibility for fire prevention and fighting, issue certificates for transporting explosive materials; register for vehicle license plates; issuance of ordinary passports; confirm criminal records and provide some information about the activities of the Police force serving administrative reform...

To create a forum to listen to people's opinions and create conditions for people to participate in the work of ensuring security and order, the Provincial Police website will promptly respond to questions, complaints and denunciations of people. people; Receive information from the people reflected on the Provincial Police website; especially through the hotline to promptly notify wanted orders; announce the search for evidence, whereabouts of victims and receive information from the public denouncing criminal crimes, drugs, prostitution, gambling, corruption...

For the first time, readers cannot avoid limitations and shortcomings. The Provincial Police hopes to receive positive cooperation, criticism, and sincere and frank suggestions from readers to improve the page. The Provincial Police's electronic information is increasingly improving, the content is more rich, lively, attractive, and has a positive and effective impact in focusing many social resources on the goal of preserving Maintain stability in political security, social order and safety, for the peaceful life and happiness of the people.


Before going into the content of the specialized pages, the Provincial Police has an introduction about the Land and People of Ba Ria-Vung Tau - historical traditions and the process of building, fighting, and growing up of the Ba Ria-Vung People's Police force. Since its establishment, Tau has aimed to provide readers with some necessary information to gain a deeper understanding of the nature and activities of the Provincial Police force associated with the cause of protecting political security, order and safety. society in the province.


Ba Ria-Vung Tau province was established on August 12, 1991 according to the Resolution of the 9th session of the VIII National Assembly with 5 affiliated administrative units including: Vung Tau city, Long Dat district, Chau Thanh district, Xuyen Moc district and Con Dao district. Since 1994, the province has had 7 administrative units including: Vung Tau city, Ba Ria Town and districts: Long Dat, Tan Thanh, Chau Duc, Xuyen Moc, Con Dao. In 2004, Long Dat district was divided into Long Dien district and Dat Do district.

Place names and boundaries of the land of Ba Ria-Vung Tau have undergone many changes over time: In 1779, Phuoc An canton (predecessor of today's Ba Ria-Vung Tau province) belonged to Phuoc Long district, Tran Bien palace; In 1808, it became Phuoc An district, belonging to Phuoc Long district, Bien Hoa town; In 1832, it belonged to Phien An province and in 1837, Phuoc Tuy city was established. Describing the scene of Ba Ria in the early 19th century, Trinh Hoai Duc, author Gia Dinh Thanh Thong Chi wrote "Ba Ria is the border of Bien Hoa town, a famous land"...(1) "is a key district...the capital headquarters located in Long Dien village" (2).

On January 7, 1861, the French army captured Ba Ria citadel (located in Phuoc Le village, in today's Ba Ria Town). Since the Treaty of Nham Tuat (1862), Ba Ria became a command area (Cercle de Commandement) of the French. In early 1865, Ba Ria became Ba Ria inspection district - the name Ba Ria officially became an administrative place starting from here.

In 1876, Ba Ria became Ba Ria sub-district, part of the Saigon administrative area. In 1899, Ba Ria sub-region was converted into Ba Ria province - The name Ba Ria province officially appeared from here.

Until 1895, Vung Tau belonged to Ba Ria administrative sub-region; From 1895, it separated and established an autonomous city (commune autonome) named Cap Saint Jaques. After many separations and mergers, in 1956, Vung Tau was merged into Ba Ria province into Phuoc Tuy province (This organization was maintained by the puppet government until April 30, 1975).

Since the August 1945 Revolution, revolutionary governments were established in Ba Ria province and Cap province (ie Vung Tau). In December 1945, the Southern Party Committee decided to merge Vung Tau into Ba Ria province under zone 7 (ie the Southeast region). Ba Ria province at that time consisted of 4 districts: Long Dien, Dat Do, Co Trach, Vung Tau (Since 1948, the districts of Ba Ria province were unified and changed to be called districts). During the resistance war against the French (1945-1954), due to the need for battlefield direction, Ba Ria province merged with Cho Lon province (including Can Giuoc, Can Duoc, Nha Be districts) and Long Thanh district (Bien Hoa) into Ba Ria-Cho Lon province (referred to as Ba-Cho province).

From July 1954 to April 30, 1975, Ba Ria-Vung Tau was merged many times with Bien Hoa and Long Khanh provinces with many different names: October 1954: Ba Ria province; March 1963: Ba-Bien province; Late 1963: Ba Ria province; From 1966-1967: Long-Ba-Bien province; From October 1967 to April 1971: Ba Ria-Long Khanh province; From May 1971 to July 1972: Ba Ria Division; From August 1972 to April 7, 1975: Ba Ria-Long Khanh Province. Before liberating Vung Tau, Vung Tau city was established under the Southeast region.

On the enemy government's side, on April 22, 1956, Phuoc Tuy province was established, including Ba Ria, Vung Tau and Truong Sa (Spratley) archipelago, with the provincial capital located in Phuoc Le. Phuoc Tuy province includes 6 districts: Chau Thanh, Long Dien, Xuyen Moc, Dat Do, Vung Tau, Can Gio. The Con Son archipelago alone was established as Con Son province.

After the complete liberation of the South, implementation of Resolution No. 245-NQ/TW dated September 20, 1975 on abolishing provincial consolidation zones and Resolution No. 19/NQ/TW on adjusting and merging a number of provinces in In the South, in February 1976, the provinces of Bien Hoa, Ba Ria, Long Khanh and Vung Tau city (Vung Tau city became Vung Tau Town).

On May 30, 1979, the 5th session, session VI of the National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam passed a Resolution to establish the Vung Tau-Con Dao special zone (under the Central Government) including Vung Tau Town and Long Son commune (formerly under the district). Chau Thanh, Dong Nai province) and Con Dao district (formerly Hau Giang province).

From August 12, 1991, Ba Ria-Vung Tau province was established and maintained to this day.

Regarding the location of the province, except for Con Dao district located 200 km southwest of Vung Tau, the mainland of Ba Ria-Vung Tau province is located 120 km southeast of Ho Chi Minh City; The North borders Dong Nai province, the East borders Binh Thuan province; The South borders the East Sea; The West borders Can Gio district of Ho Chi Minh City.

Ba Ria-Vung Tau has a land area of 2,047 km2, a coastline of 156 km, and a continental shelf area of over 100,000 km2. Con Dao alone (also known as Con Lon archipelago) includes 16 large and small islands, with an area of 76,711 km2. Ba Ria-Vung Tau has a cool, dry climate; diverse and rich terrain. The whole province has over 50 mountains over 100m high protruding into the sea, forming bays, bays, peninsulas and islands creating beautiful landscapes. There are towering granite mountains such as May Tau mountain over 700m high, Dinh mountain 491m high, Thi Vai mountain nearly 470m high, An Hai mountain (in Con Dao) 577m high...Land in Ba Ria-Vung Tau diverse, suitable to develop strengths in forestry; The entire province currently has about 67,547 hectares of forest (including 7,720 hectares of primeval forest in Binh Chau-Phuoc Buu, 6,034 hectares of Con Dao National Park, and about 11,000 hectares of mangrove forests...). In particular, Ba Ria-Vung Tau's marine resources are rich in potential with oil and gas minerals, seafood, tourism, seaports...

And although there are not many rivers and canals, the province has the Thi Vai River flowing into Ganh Rai Bay, which is a large river, with little silt, deep, wind-tight, wide estuary, near the international coast, convenient for construction. Build deep-water ports to welcome large tonnage ships in and out to transport goods; There are Dinh River, Ray River and a system of nearly 200 streams and many water reservoirs, including large water reservoirs such as Kim Long, Da Den, Chau Pha, Da Ban, Song Xoai, Lo O... annually supplying Large volumes of fresh water serve daily life and agricultural production for the entire province. Since 1990, in the province, a cluster of large, deep-water ports has been built such as Phu My port, Baria Serèce port, Vedan port, Thi Vai-Cai Mep port cluster, Go Dau port, oil and gas port...

Due to its geographical location and topographic structure, Ba Ria-Vung Tau is an important area in terms of economy, national security and defense and has an important strategic position in the region. Through periods of war, this is an area of fierce dispute between us and the enemy; The place where the enemy arranged many headquarters, military bases, training bases, pacification and raiding centers, and where the strategies and tactics of old and new colonialism were piloted. On the revolutionary side, during the resistance war against the French and the Americans, Ba Ria-Vung Tau was home to many resistance bases, a foothold for revolutionary forces, and a bridgehead to receive weapons from China. Centrally providing aid to the Southeast provinces and region VI along the Ho Chi Minh Sea route... Since the day the South was completely liberated until now, Ba Ria-Vung Tau is one of the provinces in the key economic region. southern; is a famous oil and gas, tourism and seafood area in the country; Important area for national security and defense in the Southeast region...

The population of Ba Ria-Vung Tau is currently over 900,000 people, including 20 ethnic groups, of which the Kinh ethnic group accounts for 97%. In addition to the Kinh ethnic group, there are also ethnic groups like Hoa, Chau Ro, Muong, Tay, Khmer... residing in the area.

Going back in history, since the 17th century, in the land of Mo Xoai (Ba Ria), many Vietnamese people have settled and lived. Through the period of exploration and settlement under the Nguyen lords (17th and 18th centuries), generations of residents living in the land of Mo Xoai (Ba Ria) have shown a strong will and spirit to rise. solidarity and mutual love in the tough and arduous fight to explore and build a life in the new land. Under the Southern colonial regime ruled by the French colonialists (1867-1945), the people of Phuoc An province (Ba Ria-Vung Tau) upheld patriotic traditions, participating in uprisings led by scholars. leading countries, participating in the "empty garden" movement of non-cooperation with the enemy, the "Secret Society" movement and movements fighting for freedom and democracy...


Since the birth of the Communist Party, holding the leadership role and continuing to promote the patriotic tradition, the people of Ba Ria-Vung Tau have also gradually built for themselves a tradition of revolutionary struggle in the process of participating. revolutionary activities and movements, participating in the general uprising in August 1945, which successfully overthrew the French colonialists and the Japanese fascists, seizing power into the hands of the people. The patriotic tradition and revolutionary struggle tradition of the army and people of Ba Ria-Vung Tau have been constantly fostered and continued to be promoted through two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the American imperialist invaders; With indomitable will, solidarity, bravery and creativity, the army and people of Ba Ria-Vung Tau together with the people of the whole country successively defeated the French colonialists and American imperialists, culminating in the Ho Chi Minh's historic victory completely liberated the South and unified the country.

Since the victorious General Uprising in August 1945, a new page in the history of the struggle for independence of the people of the Southern region in general and Ba Ria-Vung Tau in particular has been opened. Along with the birth of the revolutionary government system, the National Self-Defense Organization (the predecessor of today's Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial Police force) was established. Since its establishment (August 1945), the Ba Ria-Vung Tau People's Public Security force has spent 63 years building, fighting and growing. That is also the process of constantly growing the Provincial Police force under the leadership of the Party, associated with the forces of all branches, levels and the masses, associated with many achievements and victories over time. period of struggle for national independence and in the cause of building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


The August Revolution of 1945 was successful, the National Self-Defense Organization (the predecessor of today's Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial Police) was established and began to carry out the task of protecting the revolutionary government; stabilize security and order; Prepare forces ready to participate in the resistance war against the French colonialists.

On January 9, 1946, the Ba Ria QGTVC force led by comrade Le Thanh Duy ambushed and repelled the friendly company of Trinh Ngoc Hien and Phan Dinh Tan at Thu Luu bridge, promptly stopping the plot to attack the government. their revolution.

On February 9, 1946, the French colonialists landed troops to recapture the provincial capitals of Ba Ria and Vung Tau. Because the forces between us and the enemy were too different, the QGTVC forces and soldiers had to withdraw into secret operations. In April 1946, implementing Decree 121/ND dated April 18, 1946 of the Minister of Home Affairs, QGTVC changed its name to Ba Ria Provincial Police Department; Comrade Huynh Cong Vinh is the head of the company; Comrade Le Thanh Vinh is the deputy head of the company. During this time, the National Guard company (including 2 platoons) of the concentrated armed forces of the Ba Ria Police Department and the assault police squad (CAXP) in area 2 were built. To equip weapons, vehicles, and create logistical and financial resources to serve the long-term resistance war, the leaders of the Police Department organized a special logistics team led by comrade Do Thi Kiem (self-titled Hoa), under On behalf of private individuals, they used boats to transport salt and charcoal to the inner city to sell for money to buy weapons and ammunition.

In May 1946, during a large-scale raid on the base of the Ba Ria Police Company at Nui Nua island (in Ba Trao hamlet, Long Son commune), the French invaders captured Le Thanh Duy, the reconnaissance captain. of Ba Ria Police Department. After using all methods from seduction to bribery to brutal torture but still unable to overcome Le Thanh Duy's indomitable will, the enemy sentenced him to death and shot him in Ba Ria Town. In 1996, martyr Le Thanh Duy was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by our State.

In May 1951, Ba Ria province and parts of Cho Lon province and Gia Dinh province were merged into Ba-Cho province; Comrade Vo Van Khanh, Secretary of the Ba-Cho Provincial Party Committee and Head of the Police Department. Ba-Cho Police Department has focused on reorganizing its organizational structure to be more streamlined and suitable for the new situation.

The provincial police force has implemented the work of protecting and building the province's resistance bases, strengthening production activities, establishing workshops to repair, improve and manufacture guns and bullets; proactively repelled many enemy raids into resistance base areas, safely protecting the leadership of the province and the Police Department; arrange to safely protect the delegation of officials of the Ministry of Finance bringing gold to support the resistance war of the Southern people, the delegation of officials from the Central and Southern regions to the area; arranged to free a group of provincial officials captured by the enemy in Vung Tau; Safely protect the transfer of the entire military workshop of the Eastern inter-regional division from Phu My to war zone D; Organize to help local people overcome the consequences of storms and floods.

From 1946 to 1954, the police force's anti-terrorism activities emerged with many brave fighting examples such as: Tang Van Khanh (Commissioner of Area 1), Hoang Du (CAXP Platoon Leader), Tran Van Nga, Nguyen Van Giap (Ba Ria Town CAXP), Vo Thi Sau (Dat Do District CAXP), Le Van Dieu, Pham Van Tam (Vung Tau Town CAXP)... contributed to invalidating the activities of many gathering committees, causing the villains to panic and huddle in police stations, many of them left the enemy ranks and joined the revolution.

In Dat Do district, Vo Thi Sau, a reconnaissance soldier of the CAXP team in Dat Do district, bravely coordinated with her teammates to attack the rally celebrating France's National Day (July 14, 1948); broke in and killed the evil warden Tong Tong right at the Qi headquarters where he worked; threw a grenade to kill Ca Suot and Ca Day at the market leading up to the Lunar New Year (February 1950). Vo Thi Sau was captured by the enemy while fighting; was detained, tortured, sentenced to death and then taken to Con Dao to be imprisoned and shot on January 23, 1952. In 1993, martyr Vo Thi Sau was awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces by our State.

Implementing the goal of attacking attrition and destroying enemy forces, from 1946-1954, the Provincial Police force, districts and towns stepped up the work of disguising the enemy, coordinating with ministry units. The attack team destroys enemy posts and units.


In Long Dien district, the CAXP area 2 unit led by comrade Co Van Nhieu used internal response to attack Lo Voi station in Phuoc Tinh commune, capturing all soldiers in the station and the station chief, Phuoc-George. Evil villains gain great prestige; The CAXP team of Phuoc Tinh commune organized an ambush to kill the evil station chief Baze in Long Hai commune. Particularly, the Ba Ria National Guard unit coordinated with the guerrilla team of Phuoc Hai commune to ambush and fight soldiers of Phuoc Hai station who raided the Phuoc Hai workhouse; Coordinated with the 16th provincial army squad to ambush and attack the enemy at Da Giang slope, Phuoc Hai commune; Coordinated with Provincial Army Detachment 16 to ambush and destroy a squad of soldiers at Con O station, Phuoc Hai commune, and killed the notoriously evil station commander "Tay Khuong".

In Vung Tau, the Provincial Police force (National Guard and CAXP force) coordinated with the Vung Tau CAXP force to ambush and destroy a squad of enemy soldiers at Ben Da station, Long Son, liberating the expanded Nui Nua island. area of operation (In this battle, comrade Le Van Nhan, Deputy Commander of the National Guard of Ba Ria province, heroically sacrificed his life); coordinated with the Vung Tau commando unit (T9) to attack Thach An station. Particularly, the Vung Tau CAXP force used in-line facilities to attack Thang Tam station; Coordinate with local army units to attack and destroy the guard post at Gieng Nuoc intersection; coordinated with the Executive Committee to hijack the French pilot ships Marinoel and Monic at Cau Da, Front Beach; coordinated with the Vung Tau commandos to organize the destruction of the Lighthouse lamp at Nui Nho; Coordinating with the provincial commandos and the Vung Tau City Squad to attack and destroy the secret soldier post, the Office of the Federal Chief of Secret Police; coordinated with the Vung Tau Battalion and Thang Tam commune guerrillas to attack the French Military Rehabilitation Center and destroy many enemies; Coordinated with the provincial army (D300) to organize the destruction of Commando Company No. 319 and the evil Suacote commander...

In Ba Ria Town, the Town CAXP unit coordinated with the Town commando unit to attack the Round House area to disrupt the National Day celebration (July 14, 1952) of the French enemy.

On May 7, 1954, the Dien Bien Phu campaign was completely won. The Geneva Agreement on ending the war and restoring peace in Indochina was signed (July 1954). Completing the historic task during the resistance war against the French colonial invasion, the Ba-Cho Police force participated in serving the troop movement of the province and the Southeast region; Arrange forces to assemble to the North.

Entering the resistance war against America to save the country, the Party organization and revolutionary forces withdrew into secret activities; The police force assigned to stay in the locality has rearranged its forces and areas, redirecting its fighting activities in the new situation. From 1954-1960, the police force participated in protecting Party organizations, revolutionary bases and mass movements; Participated in the 1960 Dong Khoi victory, successfully gaining control of the countryside and large rubber plantations, pushing the enemy back to towns and cities, huddled in garrisons.

Implementing Directive No. 01 dated June 5, 1960 of the Southern Party Committee and the direction of the Provincial Party Committee, in early 1962, the security committee of Ba Ria province was established.

In February 1963, Ba-Bien province (Ba Ria-Bien Hoa) was established. The Ba-Bien Provincial Security Committee is headed by comrade Nguyen Nhi Thanh (Tam Ha), deputy secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and head of the committee. Implementing Politburo Resolution 1.1961 and the Provincial Party Committee's direction to bring the armed struggle forward in combination with the political struggle, the security forces proactively coordinated many attacks on enemy posts. . In Long Dat district, the district security committee coordinated with the local armed forces to attack a number of police posts, repel the enemy civil defense group, and protect the safety of the meeting to launch the National Front Committee for the Resolution. The district reporter has about 2,000 participants. Particularly, comrade Hai Ngoc, head of the security committee of Phuoc Tho commune, led the way for the district armed forces to ambush and destroy an enemy squad in Phuoc Thoi hamlet, 200 meters from Dat Do sub-zone.

Implementing Directive No. 69/CT dated September 30, 1963 of the Central Standing Committee on the prevention and fight against spying and espionage, the security forces have focused on launching the movement to secure cyberspace everywhere. 3 areas where the focus is on strategic corridors, border gates and important traffic roads. Ba-Bien Provincial Security Board has investigated and clarified the case of spies informing the raid on Long Dat District Party Committee base; case of an insider informing on the attack on the base of the Ba Ria City Party Committee. On the night of October 3, 1964, the provincial security forces and the security forces of Long Dat and Xuyen Moc districts participated in protecting the safety of a train carrying 20 tons of weapons to support the Eastern battlefield arriving at Loc An port. The provincial security force, Chau Duc district security board and other districts also do a good job of preventing security fraud, cleaning up the area, protecting border gates, transportation corridors, warehouses and yards... contributing to the service. Binh Gia campaign (late 1964 - early 1965) was successful.

By the end of 1964, we destroyed most of the strategic hamlets, liberated 2/3 of the land, basically liberated communes along important traffic routes, disintegrated or paralyzed the grip system of the communes. , hamlet, forcing the enemy to cluster in towns and cities..

In 1966, Long-Ba-Bien province was established. The Provincial Security Committee is headed by comrade Tran Van Nhuong (Tu Quy). Preparing for the General Offensive and Uprising of the Tet Offensive (1968), in October 1967, Long-Ba-Bien province was dissolved, Ba Ria-Long Khanh province was established; The security committee of Ba Ria-Long Khanh province was established, with comrade Tran Van Nhuong as head of the committee.

Implementing the policy and plan of general attack and uprising of the Provincial Party Committee and the plan of the security conference of 7 districts in the province, the security force of region 1 (in Ba Ria area) is headed by comrade Tran Van Nhuong. The next person in charge actively performed the task of leading the way, coordinating with the troops to attack Ba Ria Town. Comrade Tran Van Nhuong directly commanded the attack on Long Huong camp and the headquarters in Long Huong and heroically sacrificed his life. Particularly, the Provincial Security Armed Reconnaissance Team broke in and attacked the headquarters of the Vietnam-American Friendship Association in Phuoc Tuy province (a disguised headquarters of the CIA) located in the American Society. In Chau Duc district and Long Dat district, security forces coordinated with military forces to surround and attack Long Le branch, military branch in Long Dien, Dat Do; Killed many villains, spied, informed, and supported guerrilla forces and people in rebel communes to destroy strategic hamlets and gain control of the communes and hamlets.

In May 1971, Ba Ria Subdivision was established. In May 1972, the Ba Ria Division security board investigated and clarified the case of Tran Van Luu, Long Dat District Security facility, as a mid-level CIA employee infiltrating internal affairs and intelligence activities; Through the incident, it has contributed to clarifying the plots and tricks of the CIA while drawing lessons for security forces in selecting and building secret operations forces.

In August 1972, Ba Ria subdivision was dissolved, Ba Ria-Long Khanh province was re-established. Ba Ria-Long Khanh Provincial Security Committee was re-established, comrade Bui Dinh Kiem was appointed as Acting Head of the Committee. At the end of 1972, implementing the Central Bureau's policy of opening the peak "to attack the enemy on the battlefield", the security forces coordinated with the military forces to strongly attack the suppression apparatus. pinned down the enemy at the base, simultaneously attacked enemy posts and important targets in towns and townships, consumed a lot of enemy forces, and liberated many communes and hamlets. When the enemy violated the Paris Agreement and conducted raids, raids, land encroachments, and people, the security forces gathered in key communes and critical areas, and with the three forces of the army, they stood still and gradually counterattacked. recaptured areas occupied by the enemy, continued to destroy evil, break the grip, and organized dozens of attacks to destroy the enemy to regain the initiative.

Implementing the Resolution of the Politburo (January 1975) to prepare in all aspects towards a general attack and general uprising to completely liberate the South, in early 1975, Ba Ria-Long Khanh security forces participated in the plan. dry season attack plan; Participate in serving the main force in attacking and liberating Xuan Loc, an important enemy gateway in the Northeast of Saigon.

Preparing to liberate Vung Tau, the Eastern Party Committee directed the establishment of Vung Tau city separated from Ba Ria-Long Khanh province. Vung Tau City Security Committee established. Implementing the plan to liberate Vung Tau, with the motto "security is one step ahead", 5 comrades of the security force were sent to stay in the wards to coordinate with officials from all branches and levels to arrange forces cling to key bases, proactively prevent enemy sabotage and prepare to liberate the area.

On April 26, 1975, the army and people of Ba Ria coordinated with the Golden Star Division of Military Region V to enter phase I of the historic Ho Chi Minh campaign: liberating Ba Ria town and the entire provincial capital of Phuoc Tuy. The Ba Ria Town security force consists of 8 comrades along with the Town commandos and commune guerrillas who are responsible for grasping the situation and leading the troops of the main and local army units to attack and liberate. locality, supporting political forces to launch mass uprisings. At 3:00 p.m. on April 27, 1975, the troops of the liberation armed forces attacked and completely occupied the targets, taking control of the town. In the hamlets, the uprising committees and insurrection committees led the masses to simultaneously take to the streets to seize power. On the same day, Chau Duc, Long Dat and Xuyen Moc districts were completely liberated.

From April 28, 1975, the liberation armed forces entered phase II of the Ho Chi Minh campaign: liberating Vung Tau. From noon on April 29, 1975, security forces were present with troops of the liberation armed forces at key locations in the area. Wherever the soldiers advance, the security forces coordinate to mobilize the masses to rise up to seize power. Under the direct direction of the Inner City Personnel Committee, the Uprising Committees of wards and inner-line establishments guided and mobilized the people to rise up and seize power. From 12:00 noon on April 19, 1975 to 9:00 am on April 30, 1975, our forces attacked and occupied City Hall and most offices and key agencies in the area, taking complete control of the city. The wards. At 1:30 p.m., the fierce battle with more than 100 "dead-defending" puppet officers and soldiers at the Palace Hotel ended; Vung Tau city has been completely liberated.

In Con Dao, on the night of April 30 and May 1, 1975, the security department and Con Dao political prisoners promptly seized the opportunity for the enemy to flee and rebel, breaking out of prison and completely liberating the island.

The historic Ho Chi Minh campaign was completely victorious, the resistance war against the US to save the country ended successfully, after liberation, the period of military rule (from May 1975 to the end of the year), the Vung Tau City Internal Security Department was under Security of the Southeast region (comrade Nguyen Duy Phac is the head of the department) and security departments of Chau Duc, Long Dat, Xuyen Moc districts... under the Ba Ria-Long Khanh Provincial Security Department. Particularly, Con Dao Provincial Security Department belongs to the Security of the Southwest Region.

From January 1976 to December 1979, Vung Tau Town Police, Chau Thanh, Long Dat, and Xuyen Moc District Police belonged to Dong Nai Police Department. Con Dao District Police specifically belong to Hau Giang Provincial Police Department.

The security and order situation during the period of May 1975-December 1979 in Vung Tau and other districts was very complicated. After completing the takeover, security forces at all levels urgently consolidated their organizational apparatus, increased force development, and implemented urgent work to stabilize security and order in the newly liberated area. launch. The security forces have coordinated with branches and levels to organize tens of thousands of puppet troops, puppet authorities, and members of the enemy's political parties to register to report and undergo re-education; Arranging the safety of key targets, protecting the safety of hundreds of delegations of senior leaders of the Party and State and a number of foreign delegations coming to the area for work, relaxation, and tourism. elections to the National Assembly and People's Councils at all levels, rallies to celebrate major holidays and serve the implementation of major guidelines and policies of the Party such as bourgeois reform; collect and exchange old money, issue new money; renovating agriculture, renovating industry and trade, capitalist and private enterprises; together with the forces to detect, arrest and handle dozens of cases of illegal intrusion, hundreds of cases of crossing the border to flee abroad with tens of thousands of people, confiscating many boats and assets to pay into the State budget; coordinate to organize raids, discover and destroy remnant groups, armed groups, reactionary political groups, collect political and criminal subjects, prostitutes, and drugs... are hiding and secretly operating in the area.

From 1975 to 1979, attacks to wipe out remnants of the army and destroy reactionary political groups in the area emerged: the case of Yoshiota, a Japanese intelligence agent lurking and operating at Vinh Nghiem pagoda; plot to assassinate officials in Thang Nhat ward; serving the reactionary groups "Thanh Long party to restore the country", "People's party to restore the country", "People's Front to restore the country", "Militia party to restore the country" (Vung Tau); the pursuit of armed reactionary groups "National Restoration Militia" and "Vietnam National Restoration Commandos" (Xyen Moc district); the raids on armed reactionary groups led by Vo Van Quan, Ba Khom, Nguyen Van Be and Hiep (Long Dat district); raids and destruction of reactionary groups, armed groups of "National Self-Determination Front", "National Liberation Front", "Suoi Nghe Special Forces Regiment", "National Reconciliation Front". ", "Recovery Operation Committee", E348 and Hoang Quynh Secret Area, "Lam Son Secret Area" (Chau Thanh district).

From 1975-1979, administrative management aspects of social order, traffic order and safety management, explosive materials management, fire prevention, ... and mass mobilization work were implemented. widely deployed, effectively serving the work of ensuring local security and order, serving the implementation of local socio-economic policies. In 1976, the Vung Tau Town police force participated in serving the Ministry in implementing a pilot registration for household registration management held in Vung Tau; serving the Ministry's forces (arranged in Vung Tau Town) to deploy aspects of work to ensure security and order for oil and gas exploration on the southern continental shelf.

The fight against criminal law from 1975-1978 emerged with the arrest of a group of robbers in Chau Pha new economic zone, the case of Hung killing someone and stealing property in Phuoc Le commune (Chau Thanh district); the murder case of Nguyen Van Lai and the murder of Huynh Van Minh (Xuyen Moc district); The Gray Tiger Party case specializes in breaking into agencies to steal property, the "Pirate Party" case (also known as the "Black Sails" organization) specializes in breaking into and stealing cables and goods on ships abroad, a robbery case led by Pham Van Thang killed people and robbed property (Vung Tau).

In Con Dao, the police investigated and discovered 17 counter-revolutionary cases, typically the "Unicorn Restoration" case led by some former prison guards; the "Black Dragon Revenge" case led by Tran Dinh Lu plotted to assassinate officials and spread leaflets calling for the seizure of power; Arrested 5 cases of hooking up with fake documents to work in state agencies and enterprises. In Con Dao, there was also a coordinated raid on criminal prisoner escapee Thach Chi; the capture and destruction of the bandit group to liberate the Cuu Long ship.

At the end of 1979, Vung Tau-Con Dao special zone was established including Vung Tau Town, Long Son commune and Con Dao district. In January 1980, the Special Zone Police Department was established; The main task is to protect political security, social order and safety, implement the Party's innovation policy associated with successfully serving local socio-economic development goals, with a focus on Safeguard the exploration and exploitation of oil and gas on the southern continental shelf...

From 1980-1991, the Special Zone Police arranged the organizational apparatus in accordance with its functions and tasks; Establishment of Special Zone Police Primary School to provide professional training for officers and soldiers; Continuously launch a learning movement to deeply imbibe and seriously implement the 6 things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security force, implement "Things to do right away in the People's Public Security force", gradually build the Police force The special zone is truly clean and strong. The special zone police force also serves as the core in mass mobilization movements to protect security and order; coordinated with forces to organize many attacks to hunt down criminals, capturing many criminal gangs; Collect and manage many political and criminal subjects in the area.

Special zone police have absolutely protected the safety of hundreds of high-ranking Party and State delegations visiting and working in the special zone; arrange safety protection for oil and gas exploration and exploitation in the area; detect and handle violations of immigration regulations or signs of connection, collect information about oil and gas exploration and exploitation activities; Investigate and clarify a number of cases related to the field of oil and gas activities; promptly detect and eliminate bad elements, opportunities and enemies sneaking into internal activities; discovered and fought with hundreds of subjects related to a number of foreign intelligence organizations operating in the area; discovered and destroyed dozens of reactionary political groupings (typically "Renaissance Party and "Bach Ho II Regiment"); coordinated raids and collected thousands of books, journals, video tapes and discs, Music discs with bad content; coordinate to fight against the case of "Youth Scientific Research Association" that distorts the Party's guidelines and Marxism-Leninism; investigate and clarify the rumor about "Buddha opened his eyes" at the temple Buu Kim Cuong, Ha Long street, Thang Tam ward, Do Hy's counter-revolutionary propaganda case (the People's Court of Vung Tau-Con Dao special region brought it to trial on April 22, 1983)... along with dozens of other cases with Crimes of destroying important means of national security.

The special zone police force also participated in serving the F101 project of the Ministry of Home Affairs, resulting in the arrest of all core leaders of the counter-revolutionary armed force Fulro, using these subjects to call for help. The number of henchmen still hiding in the forest returned to the people; Participate in serving the Ministry of Home Affairs in investigating case N44 - the case of Nguyen Huu Gioc taking advantage of and his accomplices taking advantage of the implementation of plan II to organize people to flee abroad to collect money and gold; Implement the Ministry of Home Affairs' plan to bring the espionage case led by Le Quoc Tuy and Mai Van Hanh (CM12 project) to the public in the special zone; combined with Dong Nai Police to solve the case of the reactionary group "National and Ethnic Resistance Front.


The Special Zone Police's work to fight against infiltration and escape abroad has resulted in detecting and handling many cases of intrusion by sea; Dismantling 67 gangs specializing in organizing connections to smuggle people abroad; detected and handled over 200 illegal border crossing cases involving thousands of subjects; Detected and handled many cases of scams organizing border crossings to get gold money, including a number of deadly cases, typically the case of Nguyen Nhu Binh scamming border crossing organizations killing 4 victims ranging in age from 9- 14 years old in Ward 10, Vung Tau Town.

In the field of social order and safety, the work of protecting socialist assets and maintaining social order and safety is a regular and continuous work. The special zone police have proactively grasped the situation and guided agencies and enterprises to build specialized security forces to limit embezzlement and theft. The fight against criminal crimes has organized 21 rounds of arresting criminals, discovered and concluded 195 serious cases, and arrested 261 people; Destroyed 18 robbery gangs, confiscated 92 guns of all kinds, concluded 1,178 criminal cases, arrested 2,569 subjects, and seized many assets. In August 1990, the Special Zone Police investigated the theft of a pair of elephant tusks at the Bach Dinh relic, Vung Tau, a case that attracted many people's attention because it was associated with the Bach Dinh relic.

On July 28, 1980, while participating in the pursuit and destruction of Nguyen Van Hai (Minh Chuot), a young man with a bad background suspected of participating in a bandit carrying a gun and being very aggressive, comrade Ngo Van Duy, police. The criminal police officer of Chau Thanh ward police heroically sacrificed his life.

Through public administrative management measures, 4 cases of fake seals and illegal weapons trading were discovered, 160 guns of all types and 40 grenades were confiscated; arrest, educate and re-educate thousands of prostitutes and pimps. Traffic order and safety management has coordinated with functional branches to organize propaganda of public traffic laws; basic clearance of the roadside; Through patrolling and traffic control, it has contributed to preventing many cases of suspects coming to Vung Tau to escape abroad.

Fire prevention and fighting has many excellent achievements due to good prevention and training of civil defense (grassroots fire prevention and fighting force), so the number of fires occurs is low, and the damage to people and property is not serious. When a fire occurs, the fighting force is resilient and courageous in fighting the fire. A typical example is the fire of the ammunition depot (400 tons volume) of the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Armed Police Command in Rach Dua, which exploded and caused a large fire on March 7, 1980. Not worrying about the danger to life, taking advantage of all mobilized means and personnel, after 10 hours of firefighting, the firefighting force of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Police Department of the Special Zone Police completely extinguished the fire. fire and explosion, saved hundreds of tons of ammunition, and protected many properties. With the above achievements, the unit was awarded a victory medal, and 5 officers and soldiers of the unit were awarded Certificates of Merit by the Ministry.


In 1991, Ba Ria-Vung Tau province was established. In October 1991, the Provincial Police was established. Ba Ria-Vung Tau is a key economic, security and defense area, so it receives comprehensive attention and direction from the Central Government, the Ministry of Home Affairs (now the Ministry of Public Security), the Provincial Party Committee and the People's Committee. conscious.

Since its establishment, the Provincial Police force has continuously innovated in its fields of operation, contributing to stabilizing the political security situation, social order and safety to serve the task of economic development - society in the province. The work of building force and logistics of the Provincial Police has been strengthened to promptly meet the combat requirements of the Provincial Police forces. To build a clean and strong police force, the Provincial Police constantly promote the implementation of the 6 things Uncle Ho taught the People's Public Security Force, "studying and following Ho Chi Minh's moral example", "Building a People's Public Security force". Since the country risked life and for the people served"…

In the field of national security protection, the Provincial Police force has coordinated with relevant forces and sectors to detect many cases of foreign companies showing signs of fraudulent activities or being unable to carry out operations. Execute economic contracts, promptly report to the Provincial People's Committee to direct the prevention and limitation of damage to our economic agencies; Implement plans to protect the safety of Party Congresses, People's Council elections, protect Party and State leaders, international delegations, and key Party officials; discovered and confiscated thousands of documents containing psychological warfare, debauchery, reactionary content, confiscated many video players, tapes, books, newspapers... with unhealthy content, contributing to restoring order in the field. cultural activities and cultural services in the province; Organize thorough implementation of Decree 69 of the Government, Resolution 24 of the Politburo, launch a mass movement to protect national security in religious areas, and promptly resolve conflicts related to religion according to the law. motto of reconciliation; The number of radicals and extremists will be handled strictly and according to the law; Strengthen the work of understanding the situation, investigating and clarifying the causes of disputes and complaints, detecting elements who take advantage of complaints to incite people to cause trouble...recommending Party committees, authorities and sectors to take measures. Appropriate solutions contribute to maintaining rural security and preventing complicated hot spots from occurring.

In the field of social order and safety, the Provincial Police have advised Party committees and authorities at all levels to organize and effectively implement Directive 135 of the Council of Ministers, Resolution 09 of the Government; National crime prevention and drug prevention program; maintain the activities of the Anti-Corruption and Smuggling Steering Committee; Deploying democratic regulations in the operations of the Economic Police force... To focus on effectively serving the work of preventing and fighting crime, the Provincial Police simultaneously promoted the mobilization of the mass movement to protect protect national security, open many campaigns to mobilize the masses to attack and suppress criminals; Coordinate with departments to sign and implement Joint Resolutions on building cultural life, National Crime Prevention Program, Drug Prevention, Rehabilitation of wrongdoers in the community... Count only In 4 years (1992-1995), 460 cases of infringement on State property were discovered and handled, recovering assets worth equivalent to 55 billion and 663 million VND. From 1996-2000, 97 cases of corruption and smuggling were discovered, causing losses of 58 billion VND. The results have contributed to doing a good job of protecting assets, protecting the country's economy, recovering lost assets and contributing to internal cleanliness.

The Provincial Police has directed the strengthening of Criminal Police and Investigation Police forces from the province to districts, cities and towns; strengthen necessary support facilities; established Police 113. The average annual rate of investigation and discovery of criminal cases is 60-65%, and serious cases are 85-90%, contributing to curbing the activities of criminal criminals; fundamentally destroy many gangs operating like gangsters; Handling many drug dealers and users.

The work of ensuring traffic order and safety and the work of ensuring urban order have made many efforts in educating and propagandizing the observance of traffic laws and maintaining urban order; Strengthen patrol and control measures, strictly handle violations, contribute to preserving urban order and public order, gradually bringing this work into order and discipline. Fire prevention and fighting work has regularly done well in prevention work, building and consolidating professional fire prevention and fighting work and obligations, equipping modern means for professional fire fighting forces, ensuring the Meeting the fire prevention and fighting requirements in the province, the fire and explosion situation is decreasing in number and damage. The administrative management of social order has had many positive changes, content and procedures have been increasingly improved according to the motto of being fast, concise, reducing trouble, actively contributing to the management of household registration. , object management and crime prevention. The work of arresting, detaining, processing and educating prisoners has made many progresses, and there have been no cases of wrongful arrest; Prosecution rates are increasingly high; limit the situation of escaping from prison; increasingly better implement internal rules, detention regulations, and regimes for prisoners.

After 63 years of building, fighting and growing, Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial Police has been awarded many noble awards and titles by the Party, State and Industry:

- 01 Ho Chi Minh Medal.

- 02 Third Class Military Merit Medals for the Provincial Police and Con Dao District Police.

- 03 First Class Victory Medals for the Provincial Police, Force Construction Department, and Order and Information Department.

- 06 Second Class Victory Medals for Provincial Police, Room PC23, Room PA16, Room PA24, Criminal Police Department, Ward 11 - Vung Tau City Police).

- 11 Third-class Victory Medals for the Provincial Police Office, Political Work Department, PA15, PA24, Vung Tau City Police (twice), Criminal Police Department, Police Investigation Department, Police Department PC23.

- 02 Third-class Independence Medals, 02 First-class Victory Medals, 07 Second-class Victory Medals, 04 Third-class Victory Medals for 12 individuals and 33 Government Certificates of Merit for 04 collectives and 29 individuals core.

- 01 3rd class Fatherland Defense Medal for the Provincial Police Office.

- 3 3rd class Fatherland Defense Medals for 3 individuals.

- 06 collectives and 03 individuals were conferred and posthumously awarded the title of hero of the people's armed forces.

+ 05 units were awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces during the two resistance wars against the French and the Americans: Chau Duc District Security Board, Ba Ria Town Security Board, Long Dat District Security Board , Xuyen Moc District Security Board, Long Son Commune Police.

+ 01 unit was awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces in the reform period: Vung Tau City Police.

+ 03 individuals were posthumously awarded and awarded the title of Hero of the People's Armed Forces during the anti-French period: martyr Vo Thi Sau, martyr Le Thanh Duy, comrade Dang Cong Hau, former Director of the Special Police Vung Tau-Con Dao area).


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