BA RIA VUNG TAU Wednesday, 18/09/2024 Notices BA RIA - VUNG TAU PROVINCE POLICE: PROACTIVE, SET AN EXAMPLE, RESPONSIBLE, EFFICIENT | Install the Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police website on the CHPlay app store or App Store with the search keyword "Ba Ria - Vung Tau Police".


1. Introducing contact information of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police:

– Ba Ria – Vung Tau province police contact information: 15 Truong Chinh, Phuoc Trung ward, Ba Ria city, Ba Ria – Vung Tau province

– Phone number: 0254 3852 361

2. Functions, tasks, and powers of Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police:

Position and functions of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police:

Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police belongs to the organizational system of the People's Public Security force, and is responsible for advising the Ministry of Public Security, the City Party Committee, and the Provincial People's Committee on the tasks of protecting national security and maintaining order. Social security; preside over and implement unified state management of protecting national security and maintaining social order and safety in the province; Directly fight against plots, activities of hostile forces, all types of crimes and violations of laws on national security, social order and safety. Organize the building of public forces safe, clean, strong, moving towards formality and step by step modernization.

Powers of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police:

– Proactively grasp the situation related to national security and local social order and safety to advise the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, and People's Committee on policies, measures, and plans to implement security protection tasks national security and social order and safety. Direct, guide, check and inspect agencies, organizations and citizens in the area to perform the task of protecting security and order and building a movement of all people to protect national security. Organize the absolute safety of high-ranking officials of the Party and State, international delegations coming to work or passing through the locality...

– Conduct basic investigation work to understand the situation, proactively prevent, detect, and fight to defeat all plots, intelligence activities, reactionary espionage, and terrorism of subjects in the area; Receive, process, prosecute and investigate cases of national security infringement. Implement the management of exit and entry work; manage foreigners and Vietnamese residing abroad residing in Vietnam; management of protection of state secrets; Carry out the task of protecting national security at the border, according to the provisions of law. Actively coordinate with departments and branches to organize and implement state management work on protecting internal political security, economics, social culture, national security and defense.


– Prevent, detect and fight against crimes and violations of laws on social order and safety and environmental protection; detect causes and conditions that give rise to crimes and other violations of law and propose remedial measures; Participate in educating law violators in the community according to the provisions of law. Management of household registration, issuance of identity cards; seal management; management of security and order of conditional businesses and security services; manage and ensure order, traffic safety, and public order; management of weapons and explosives; manage and implement fire prevention and fighting; Participate in search and rescue according to the provisions of law.

Duties of the People's Public Security force:

– Collect information, analyze, evaluate, forecast the situation and propose to the Party and State to promulgate and direct the implementation of guidelines, policies, laws, and strategies to protect national security and protect national security. ensure social order and safety, fight against crimes and violations of laws on national security, social order and safety; Participate in appraisal and assessment of impacts on national security, social order and safety on socio-economic development planning, plans and projects according to the provisions of law; closely combine the tasks of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, and fighting against crime and violations of laws on national security, social order and safety with the tasks socio-economic development service; Effectively coordinate security activities with defense and foreign affairs activities.

– Proactively prevent, detect, stop, and fight to defeat plots and activities that violate national security, and eliminate threats to national security; protect the independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity of the Fatherland; protect the Party, State, People and socialist regime; protect political security, security in the fields of ideology - culture, economy, defense, foreign affairs, information, society, environment, science and technology; protect other national interests; protect the great national unity; protect the life, health, honor, dignity, property, freedom and democracy of citizens, and the legitimate rights and interests of agencies, organizations and individuals.

– Intelligence activities according to the provisions of law.

– Protect senior leaders of the Party, State, and international guests visiting and working in Vietnam; protect important events and goals in politics, economics, diplomacy, science - technology, culture and society; Protect important works related to national security, foreign representative agencies, and representatives of international organizations in Vietnam; protect individuals holding or closely related to state secrets; Protect the transportation of special goods according to the provisions of law.

– Implement management of national security protection and protection of state secrets; preside over the management of entry, exit, transit, and residence of foreigners in Vietnam; manage exit and entry of Vietnamese citizens according to the provisions of law; Control entry, exit, and transit at border gates according to the provisions of law; Coordinate with the People's Army, relevant sectors and local authorities in managing and protecting national borders, border gates, islands, seas and airspace and performing security protection tasks national, ensuring social order and safety in border areas according to the provisions of law, international treaties to which the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is a member and relevant international agreements.

– Implement network security management, protect network security and prevent and combat cybercrime according to the provisions of law.

– Implement management of investigation and crime prevention and control. Preside over the implementation of tasks of preventing and combating terrorism, riots and resolving complex situations of national security, social order and safety according to the provisions of law. Proactively prevent, detect, stop and fight against crimes and violations of laws on social order and safety, environmental protection, natural resources and food safety related to the environment; Receive and resolve denunciations, crime reports, and recommendations for prosecution; prosecute and investigate crimes according to the provisions of law; Carry out criminal statistics work; detect the causes and conditions that give rise to crimes, violate laws on social order and safety, and environmental protection and propose remedial measures; Educate law violators in the community according to the provisions of law.

– Implement management of criminal judgment execution, custody and temporary detention; manage prisons, detention camps, detention houses, compulsory education establishments, reformatories; Organize the enforcement of criminal judgments and decisions and judicial measures; Supervise and educate people under 18 years old who commit crimes and are exempt from criminal liability; Management of subjects released from prison before the conditional term; Carrying out escorting, escorting, managing evidence warehouses, protecting court sessions and performing other judicial support tasks according to the provisions of law.

– Implement management of sanctions and handling of administrative violations in the field of national security, social order and safety; sanction administrative violations and implement administrative measures according to the provisions of law; ensure security and order in implementing enforcement decisions when requested by competent authorities.

– Implement residence management, national population database and citizen identification database, seals, order, traffic safety, public order, weapons and explosives , explosive precursors, support tools, fire prevention, fighting and rescue according to the provisions of law; issuance and management of Citizen Identification cards and other identification documents; registration, issuance and management of license plates for road motor vehicles; Carry out fire prevention, fighting, rescue, and management of security and order for conditional business and investment sectors according to the provisions of law.

– Preside over and coordinate the management and implementation of propaganda and education on protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, and fighting crime and violations of security laws. national security, social order and safety; guide, check, inspect, resolve complaints and denunciations, and handle violations in activities of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, and fighting to prevent and combat crimes and violations. violate the law on national security, social order and safety.

– Act as the core in building people's security and people's security posture, building a movement of all people to protect national security. Guide agencies and organizations to carry out the work of protecting internal political security, economic security, ideological and cultural security, network security, information security, communication, and social security , environmental security.

– Provide professional guidance, training, and fostering legal knowledge for mass organizations participating in protecting security and order at the facility, protecting residents, civil defense, and protecting agencies and businesses. according to regulations of the Law.

– Apply measures to mobilize the masses, law, diplomacy, economics, science and technology, profession, and armed forces to protect national security, ensure social order and safety, and fight prevent and combat crimes and violations of laws on national security, social order and safety.

– Using weapons, explosives, support tools, force, technical and professional means, and other means to attack, capture criminals, and prevent people who are committing crimes or acts violate other laws and for legitimate defense according to the provisions of law.

Decide or propose to suspend or suspend for a period of time the operations of agencies, organizations and individuals that commit acts that are harmful or threaten to cause harm to national security, social order and safety; Request agencies, organizations and individuals to provide information, documents and objects when there are grounds to determine that they are related to activities that violate national security, social order and safety in accordance with the provisions of law. the law. Mobilize and requisition according to the provisions of law information means, means of transport, other means and people using and controlling those means in urgent cases to protect national security and ensure national security. social order and safety or to prevent damage to society that is occurring or is at risk of occurring.

– Implement measures to protect national security, ensure social order and safety according to the provisions of law when there is a state of war, a state of emergency or when there is a threat to national security , social order and safety but not to the point of declaring a state of emergency.


– Management and development of security industry; Research, apply and mobilize scientific and technological achievements in protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, and fighting crime and violations of security laws. national security, social order and safety and building the People's Public Security.

– Build a revolutionary, regular, elite, gradually modern People's Police, with priority given to modernizing a number of forces; act as the core in carrying out the tasks of protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety, fighting against crimes and violations of laws on national security, social order and safety .

– Fulfill international obligations; international cooperation in fighting crime, protecting national security, ensuring social order and safety and building the People's Public Security; Provide mutual legal assistance in criminal matters according to the provisions of law. The Ministry of Public Security is the central agency of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the extradition and transfer of people serving prison sentences.

– Perform other duties and powers according to the provisions of law.

3. Organizational structure of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police:

Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police, as well as other provincial police, have the following organizational structure:

- Board of manager

– People's Security professional departments

– People's Police professional departments

– Departments under the Director

– Force Construction, Logistics – Engineering departments

– Police of districts, towns and affiliated cities

4. Ways to contact and work with Ba Ria - Vung Tau Provincial Police:

Purpose of contacting Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police:

– Resolve criminal cases as summoned by Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police

– Handle administrative procedures at Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police

– Denounce and denounce crimes

– Complain about incorrect decisions of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police and affiliated agencies.

– Perform other tasks under the authority of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police...

Ways to contact and work with Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police:

Depending on working purposes, people can contact and resolve matters with Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police in the following ways:

– Go directly to the headquarters, where you are summoned

– Call the hotline of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province police

– Send a letter to Ba Ria - Vung Tau police at the address

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